Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just Getting Ready to Run is a Challenge

If I am going to run by myself (a rare occasion indeed because it must be a Saturday and it must be over 7 miles otherwise hubby assumes I will take at least one child with me), here's what I have to do to get ready to walk out the door:

1. Dress self
2. Grab iPhone, water belt (for long runs), maybe my keys
3. Put on shoes and leave house

If I am going to run with both of my girls, here's what I have to do to get ready to walk out the door:

1. Dress self
2. Change Little Miss Spitfire's diaper
3. Dress Angel Girl, dress Little Miss Spitfire
4. Get a water bottle for myself and one for Angel Girl, sippy cup for Little Miss Spitfire
5. Prep breakfast or snack for Angel Girl, snack trap full of cheerios for Little Miss Spitfire
6. Ask Angel Girl if she needs to go potty
7. Convince Angel Girl that going for a run will be fun, motivate her further by promising to end either (a) at a park or (b) in the greenspace so she can walk the last quarter mile. . . if she's agreeable for the duration of the run
8. Realize Little Miss Spitfire has a dirty diaper, change diaper and redress
9. Realize it's been half an hour since we started our attempt to leave and take another potty break myself
10. Put on shoes
11. Load iPhone, keys, water and snacks into stroller while holding baby
12. Make sure there's a spare diaper, spare pull-up, wipes, and the hooter hider in the stroller (because you just never know)
13. Also check that tires are aired up and that the small pump is in the bottom of the stroller (because I don't want to carry anyone home if it can be avoided)
14. Buckle Little Miss Spitfire in and attach her cup and snack trap cup
15. Buckle Angel Girl in and give her a water bottle and breakfast/snack
16. Finally leave house

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