Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Getting Pumped for Races

Bad pun I know, but I couldn't resist. 

I am slowly learning a lot of lessons about races. 

Before the Princess Half in February, Little Miss Spitfire just happened to wake up and look at me at 3:30am, so I fed her right before I left to catch the bus.  Even with that feeding, it was another 5 hours before I was able to feed her again.  I'm sure sweat wasn't the only thing I was dripping by the time I finished the race (TMI?  Yeah, probably), but I wasn't that uncomfortable when the race was over.

Before the A2A Half in March, she wasn't awake before I left, and I didn't have my pump with me.  Big mistake.  Even though I was only gone for about 4 hours, she hadn't nursed recently, and I was not comfortable by the end of the race.

So now I know:  pump or breastfeed before the race.  Always.  Or at least "always" until she's weaned.


  1. Running while nursing is a whole other level of hard core. I know my running buddy deals with this a bit, too.

  2. PS: Giraffy left a comment the other day with a run-walk link that might be useful for you!

  3. Kerrie - That calculator is too cool! I could sit around playing with the numbers for hours. ;)
