Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dragging the Hubby Along

I only managed to log 1 mile on the treadmill on Saturday before Little Miss Spitfire woke up.  The morning was a blur of toddler gymnastics, brunch at a new local favorite, and a hair appointment for me.  At some point while my stylist was getting my hair ready for summer, I decided that we (hubby, the girls and me) could all run together once I returned home.  Never mind that I didn't call or text my husband with this fabulous idea.  Why would I?  He only started running in February when I - out of complete desperation due to freakishly cold snowy and icy weather - bought a treadmill.  Since then he's been running about 20 minutes a day, 2-3 times a week.    

It never ever occurred to me that he might, on a Saturday afternoon when he's watching both girls by himself, decide to run.  You can imagine my astonishment (and disappointment) when I arrived home and found him all sweaty having just completed his usual 20 minutes.  Big frown from me.  He agreed to run with me anyway and actually didn't seem too upset about the extra run because it would be "family time". 

It was warm, bordering on hot, so we took off toward some shadier sidewalks and green space.  About 20 minutes into the run he started asking me how far we were going.  Truthfully, I had no idea.  I don't map runs ahead of time.  I let my GPS update me, and I work with it.  He pointed out my error here when he said "You can run as far as you decide to.  I run for 20 minutes a few days a week."  (Umm, I must say that up to this point, the farthest I've 'decided' to run has been 14 miles.  I'm not a marathoner.  Yet.)  Yes, my mistake.  I was having fun.  We were talking and both girls were napping contently in the Bob Duallie.  I was pointing out bat houses and commenting on the nice trail through one of the neighborhoods.  He, on the other hand, was not having quite as much fun.

We ran just over 3 miles and then walked the remaining mile or so home.  Overall, I thought it was nice.  We should run together every Saturday.  But next time, I'll map out a route ahead of time and give him plenty of warning.

Do you have a running partner?  Run with a training group?

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