Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Keeping the Kids Happy

I recently saw a question about how to keep the kids happy while you run. Here are my tips (some are based on age). As a reference, right now Angel Girl is almost 4 and Little Miss Spitfire is almost 1.

Littler Ones
* Naps: If your child still takes a morning nap, try running during naptime. My younger daughter regularly sleeps in the stroller. So much so that I have been known to rush my other daughter out the door because her sister needs a nap and won't take one until we get moving. (Please do not tell the sleep training people this. I pretty much break all their rules anyway.) There are a lot of head support options (like this) out there for smaller ones.

* Entertainment: Toys for little ones, like teethers, can keep them occupied. Just be sure your tether them in some fashion so you're not stopping to pick them up. I use sippy cup straps (something like this) for anything and everything.

* Pacifier: If you baby takes a binky, then by all means, take it with you. My older daughter was angered by binkies so I never even tried one with the 2nd child, but from what I hear, if they like 'em, they love 'em.

* Drink: Sippy cup with water (also tethered to the stroller). This is especially important in warmer weather. We do ice water when it's really hot.

* Snacks: Little Miss Spitfire just started "eating" Cheerios. By "eating" I mean that maybe 1 out of 10 makes it to her mouth and gets consumed. The squirrels and birds must really like us these days.

* Music: My playlist has some kids songs and some of "my" songs. I also have a kids' songs only playlist. I don't like running to it quite as much, but I'll use it if I need to. The girls seem to enjoy their music and if you sing along, you'll get an even better cardio workout. Plus, they can learn some classic kids songs. I'm tone deaf, so my girls need to hear someone else singing.

Slightly Older Ones
* Breakfast or Snacks: Because we often run as early as possible in the summer, my older daughter usually gets breakfast on the go. We are especially fond of organic cereal bars and PB sandwiches for breakfast. During the winter, we often don't go until the afternoon, and in that case, I take a small snack. I'm always looking for healthy options, so feel free to tell me what you take for your kids.

* Water Bottle: Angel Girl has been taking her own water bottle, just like Mommy's, for quite some time. She knows it's important to stay hydrated, and she will tell you as much.

* Motivation: When time & weather permits, we frequently end our run at a playground or in the greenspace that's about a quarter of a mile from home, but Angel Girl must be well behaved to get this "treat". Actually, I usually plan to do one or the other because I want her to get some physical activity, too, but she doesn't have to know that. I have also been known to offer her fruit snacks as a reward when I'm desperate. She loves fruit snacks, but they are a "treat" in our house.

* Entertainment: I have a few small toys that I leave in the stroller as special "stroller toys". Sometimes we take books. Angel Girl loves books. I know some moms strap DVD players in the stroller as well. I don't have a working portable DVD player but if I did, I might use that too. Movies on an iPhone or iPad would work, too, but I'm generally using the Nike+ on my iPhone.

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