Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Longest Run

My longest run to date is 14 miles.  I ran it 2 weeks before the Princess Half.  What's amazing to me about it is that Little Miss Spitfire slept through 13.5 miles of it.  She fell asleep after half a mile and continued to sleep for another 2 hours and 15 minutes.  Occasionally she would stir, look around and then fall back to sleep.  That girl can sleep!  I don't know if she actually likes sleeping in the stroller or if it's so boring it puts her to sleep. 

Now you may wonder why on earth I would run 14 miles with her.  It was not my idea.  It was a Saturday.  I really tried to get Hubby to watch both girls, but he kept suggesting things like trading them halfway through the run or running halfway with one and then running the second half by myself.  I knew that "trading girls" halfway would be a major ordeal - someone not wanting to, swiching water bottles and snacks, different toys/entertainment.  I also knew that just dropping off one (presumably LMS) would take a while too because it would mean getting all my stuff (music, water, etc) out of the stroller and on my person.  So I opted to take LMS with me, planning the run during naptime and hoping at each half mile that she would sleep just a little longer.

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