Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cross Training - Stroller Fitness Classes

In addition to running, I started taking stroller fitness classes when my older daughter was about 6 months old. I found them to be a beneficial for many reasons.

Exercise: Of course, they're intended to be group exercise/fitness classes and therefore, yes, you get to workout. Most of these classes are an interval type class mixing cardio and strength training and then end with abdominal work on a blanket or mat followed by stretching. I've participated in classes offered by two of the major franchises (Stroller Strides and StrollerFit), and the biggest differences were the type of warm-up and the use (or lack) of music.

Losing Weight: Let's face it. Most of us gain weight during pregnancy and the lack of sleep and crazy hormones after baby is born don't really help when it comes to shedding those unwanted pounds. Regular exercise that incorporates both cardio and toning is key to losing weight. It's also important to surround yourself with people who will promote your healthy behavior and can encourage you when you hit a plateau.

Support and Encouragement: Other moms going through the same things you're going through. Need I say more? Probably not, but I will. I find it extremely encouraging to talk through my daily challenges with other moms, especially moms with kids similar in age or slightly older than mine. They've been there, done that. It can be the simplest things, like when some other moms suggested I put my daughter in the shower with me on the days I don't manage to shower before she wakes up. Duh! Simple? Yes, but it hadn't occurred to me yet and being one of the first of my circle of friends to have children, I really didn't have anyone to ask.

Interaction with Your Child: I know you interact with your kids regularly anyway, but sometimes it's nice to have that focused time with them. You know, when you're not trying to load the dishwasher while they finish their lunch. We regularly sing to (or with) the kids, play games, count in multiple languages, recite the alphabet. To this day, I think my older daughter could recite the alphabet by the time she was 18 months solely because we sang it every day at our stroller class.

Getting Out of the House: This is a big one for me. I like to go places. I do not like to sit at home. Once I'm out, I'm going. If I was feeling lazy about getting to the store or the post office, well, it's on the way home so I might as well. We are also likely to invite some of our friends from class to join us at a park or feeding the ducks or for a picnic following class.

Feel Better: Rarely do I exercise and then say to myself "Wow, I wish I hadn't done that." No, 99.99% of the time, I just feel better. Endorphins? Adrenaline? Yeah, maybe. Or maybe it's just a sense of accomplishment. I did something good for myself today, and I set a positive example for my children by exercising, by choosing to spend part of our day promoting our well being. And for that reason, I also think participating in stroller fitness classes can help combat and prevent PPD for many moms.

Mini-playdate:  My older daughter loves going to class because she gets to see her friends.  We often end class with ab work on a mat or blanket and let the kids run or crawl around.  It's so much fun for them!  Even my younger daughter has fun looking at the other babies (although I'm going to have to begin referring to her as a toddler, I guess).  Everyone has fun; everyone gets to see their friends.

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