Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Getting the Miles Logged

A while back my friend, Wonder Woman, gave me some simple advice:  get the miles in when and where you can.  I've really taken this to heart. 

As I mentioned before, I bought a treadmill back in February and it's proven to be very convenient.  Not only does it give me the opportunity to run on days when it's raining or just too cold to put the girls in the stroller, but it often also gives me the chance to log a mile or two or three before my girls wake up.  I also know I can add a mile or two during my younger daughter's afternoon nap if I really need (want?) to. 

Really the biggest "disadvantage" to the treadmill is that it's easier than running behind the stroller.  I see a significant difference in the calories burned, max and average heart rates.  But then again, easier running is better than no running.  Some running is better than none.  At least it is in my life.  I've also found intervals on the treadmill to be beneficial - both for cardio conditioning and to fight boredom but that's probably a post for another day.  Getting back to the topic at hand...

That advice also gave me the permission I needed to break up my runs rather than feeling like I had to do all the miles at once or they didn't count.  Now on busy days, I sometimes run to and from classes, storytimes, and anything else that's under 2 miles from the house and doesn't require make-up or something nicer than workout clothes.  It doesn't actually take that much longer and if the weather is nice enough, it's quite enjoyable. 

Don't get me wrong here.  I'd actually like to get all my miles in at once and be done with it for the day.  But that simply isn't always the best or most realistic option for me. 

How do you log your miles?

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