Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Poor neglected blog . . .

I don't know about your summer, but ours has been packed with activities, lessons, day camps, and trips to various pools and splash pads.  I over planned for the summer to say the least.  Add on weeks of triple digit weather and you get one poor and neglected blog. 

I am an early riser. Yes, one of those people.  I'm normally up no later than 5:30am because that is typically the only time that no one else is awake, and I am able to do things without interruption.  Things like blog posts.  However, with the triple digit streak and lows only dipping into the lower 80's, I've been trying to log some miles before Hubby goes to work and that means getting out to run by 6:00am or as soon as there's enough light.  That in turn means that everyone is awake by the time I get home and thus, no blogging. 

I did manage my longest run to date this past Sunday - 16 miles.  I started at 5:50am and finished at 8:30am.  Yikes, that's a long time to be running!   I seldom plan a route exactly now that I have my Forerunner 610, and this day was no different.  I wore my Camelbak (packed with ice and then filled with water), but I ran out of water at 10.25 miles.  At that point I started texting Hubby (while running) giving him location information and asking him to bring me water.  Unfortunately, he didn't get the texts until I was walking down our street as a cool down.  So now I know I need to stop back by the house at least once on runs longer than 14 miles.  Run and learn.  I wasn't very sore the next day, but I took a hot soak in the tub and then got the water as cold as I could stand it for a while longer.  I don't know why that works for me but it seems to. 

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