Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Race Report 7/4/2011

Race:  Firecracker 5000

Distance:  5K

Time: 26:36

Finish:  Overall:  90/361, Age Group:  8/26

Comments:  After our last 5K, I knew we needed to hold back and not start off too fast.  I kept us around an 8:45 minute mile for the first 2 miles.  Hubby kept trying to take off, but hovered around us at the same time.  The first 2 miles felt good.  I wasn't tired or winded and could chat with Angel Girl.  I would tell you what we were chatting about if only I could remember.  After mile 2, I told Hubby to "just go" and that we would try to keep up.  I slowly watched the distance between us lengthen.  He's pretty quick considering a good week for him is running 3 times for 20 minutes.  If that were my running schedule, I doubt I could finish a 5K without walking.  His actual time was 26:10.  It must be partially due to each his natural athleticism and competitiveness.  At least that's what I'm going to tell myself. 

This was my first race with the Garmin and without using the Nike+.  Because I am usually using the Nike+, I typically have my headphones with me so I get to listen to my iPod as well.  This time I forgot the headphones because I wasn't worried about the Nike+.  I also forgot my arm band to hold my iPhone.  I like my music!  I ended up turning down the volume and letting my iPhone play via speaker in the stroller pocket, so we could enjoy some tunes but hopefully not disturb others on the course. 

Apparently, I overemphasized the need to not lose her water bottle, because Angel Girl was holding onto her water bottle in its cup holder in every race photo.  She's so funny!  Little Miss Spitfire - you guessed it - slept through most of the race.  She even missed the post-race bananas that she loves so much.  I used the Phil & Ted's which - as I've stated before - is great for 5K races because it's tandem, but not so great it how tough it can be to push, especially uphill.  On a side note, I added up the weight for the strollers and the girls and both the Bob Duallie and the Phil & Teds plus the girls come in around 90 lbs. 

Once again, I like my Garmin!  It was so nice to see our pace in order to pace us.  Ha!  I promise I will stop reporting my laps when the newness wears off, but until then I'm afraid they'll be listed in practically every post. 

Lap 1 - 8:46
Lap 2 - 8:31
Lap 3 - 8:14
Lap 4 - 1:14

The race itself was very organized and well put together.  The announcer was on top of things, and the course was easy to follow and didn't have any curbs.  You know how I feel about those curbs during races.  We've run one or two other 5K races in the park where it was held, and they are generally good there - lots of sidewalks, roads, and trails to run on.  I can't say I'm a fan of the hill during the last half mile, but who would be and what kind of 5K would it be without it. 

Lesson(s) Learned:  Starting off slow is a good idea.  We finished slightly faster than our last 5K, and we both felt good.   We did not feel good after the previous one, so this was a welcome change.  Going to the zoo right after may not have been the best choice though.  We were both hot and a little tired, but overall it was a very fun 4th of July. 

Have I mentioned how much I detest photos of myself running?  I mean, I just look like I'm in pain.  I feel the need to apologize to all my neighbors for having to see me run on a regular basis.  Actually, I seldom like photos of myself in general, so photos of myself running are just the epitomy of dislike for me.  I got the dreaded "your race photos are online" email which I can never just delete.  It's my own train wreck if you will.  I can't not look.  But I was pleasantly surprised to find that they didn't have any photos linked to my name or bib number because the stroller was blocking my number.  I think I'll use that strategy in all future races.

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