Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Have I commented on hills much?  Probably just randomly.  I know I read somewhere that a "hill workout" should be part of my regular training.  But like many things that should be part of my training routine, I don't always find them practical with a stroller.  I would include hills in this category of "not practical" although I have an idea or two about how I could include them. 

I have two routes with quite a few hills and I try to run them once a week (ok, maybe every other week - they really kick my rear...and quads...and hams...).  I find even the smallest, inconsequential looking hill to provide plenty of challenge with both girls.  I also find downhill to be a challenge because control is easier said than done. 

I ran at a nearby lake recently and I'd forgotten how hilly it is out there.  Yikes!  My Polar HRM really liked it as far as calories are concerned.  It was a fabulous workout and should probably be a regular route in my training schedule.

I've also considered parking the girls at the bottom of a hill while I do a short hill workout as part of a daily run.  I would probably need a few extra snacks and/or toys while they're sitting still.  And I probably wouldn't try it in the heat we've been having lately (unless they're in the shade and there's a breeze).  It could work, right? 

I've worked in some hill repeats on the rare weekend solo run, and I like the variety.  I have a couple of hills nearby that are great for it.  Any advice on hills?  How often?

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