Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

An Awful Run

Let me just be plain honest and say that my run yesterday was awful.  I didn't feel that great - throat a little scratchy, a little sinus pain, achy joints, so I decided to wait until my older daughter was at her dance class in order to run with only baby in the stroller.

I ran the mile to the dance studio with both girls.  It was fine.  I felt OK.  My heart rate was a little higher than usual, but it's getting warmer and I chalked it up to the temperature. 

After Angel Girl was twirling away in class, I took LMS and ran away from the dance studio and away from my house - the only way to be sure I'd keep running.  About a mile into the run, I was feeling pretty bad and already worn out.  At 2.5 miles, I really just wanted to stop and lay down in the grass.  But alas, I was too far from the dance studio and I had to be back to pick up Angel Girl.  So I kept running.  I was probably a quarter of a mile from the dance studio when I hit the 4 mile mark (5 miles total if you include the first mile I ran to the studio) but I felt too bad to keep going.  That was my goal for the day - 5 miles total, and I was done. 

I walked the rest of the way to the studio and proceeded to sit in the middle of the waiting area, stretching.  Luckily, not many other moms were there and those that were didn't care.  I thought I might feel better if only I could stretch my aching legs.  No luck. 

What made the whole thing worse was we still had to get home, and there was only one way to get back.  Well, I guess I running was an option, but I felt way too bad for that.  I let Angel Girl walk on the way home which meant a very slow, meandering walk home.  In my favor, she was wearing rain boots on a perfectly sunny day and that meant she was even slower than usual.  It took longer with her walking, but at least I wasn't running. 

I tried a hot bath once we got home.  That usually works for my hips.  It did help but only marginally.  I took baby back to the playroom and rested on the floor while she and big sister played happily. 

I cannot tell you how happy I was that my in-laws called and suggested coming over to our house for the afternoon and dinner.  I waited until they arrived, took the baby to my room and the two of us took a nap together.  It was only 45 minutes or so, but I felt so much better. 

Today I decided to take it easier.  I taught stroller class today, but decided to forgo my usual 2 mile run before class which not only meant less physical activity but I got to sleep a little more.  I was feeling a lot better by baby's nap time today, so I did an easy 2 miles on the treadmill - thankful for the A/C. 

My Neighbor emailed me earlier (ok, she posted on my wall on FB) and suggested a long run tomorrow.  I hope I'm up for it!

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