Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Takin' it easy

Finally, I'm running again.  I tried an easy mile on the treadmill Monday morning before Stroller class.  Later in the afternoon, I decided to try running with the stroller, so that was our mode of transportation to dance class.  One mile.  I decided to walk home rather than overdo.

On Tuesday, I ran 1.75 miles with the stroller before Stroller class.  I was still taking a pretty slow pace and left with ample time to get to Stroller class. 

Yesterday, I ran 3.7 miles (no Stroller class).  It felt pretty good.  I think I could have run further and longer, but again, I didn't want to overdo it.  I'm taking it easy and slowly after 10 days off. 

I have a 10K on June 4 and a Half on June 12, and I'm a little worried that I won't feel ready for either.

My only consolation is that because I didn't run for 10 days, my heart rate is higher than it was just 3 weeks ago so I'm burning more calories per mile than I was.  Of course, that also means I lost some cardiovascular conditioning (which we already knew, right?).  Every day that I wasn't running, that thought went through my mind.  Sometimes hourly.  Sometimes more. 

A few months ago, I got a new Polar HR Monitor.  This one has a GPS option.  Plus, it's pink and pretty.  It comes programmed with training options where it has a total goal time for the week and a goal for total calories to burn for the week.  If you reach certain percentages of your goals, it either says "nice" or "well done" and gives your stars.  After the week that I couldn't workout, it said "incomplete training week" and has been telling me to "train a lot more".  I'm not sure why that's amusing to me, but it is.

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