Running Isn't Easy

Sharing a little about our journey along the miles.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Forced Rest Days

I must admit.  I'm not that great at rest days.  I typically make Sunday my Rest Day because I can't realistically run before church (I have 3 people to get clean, dressed and presentable including myself and getting up earlier than usual just seems wrong on the weekend).  And let's face it, if I've put on make-up and a decent outfit (ie, not workout clothes) I feel like I should stay in that presentable state for at least a few hours.  But then there are the Sundays where I often suggest just a short family bike ride or say I'll just go to the fitness center for some light cross training.  I do know that I need to rest.  For some reason it's one of those things that's easier said than done for me.  Unless. . .

I'm now looking at my fourth consecutive Forced Rest Day.  This is not a cross train and do some light workouts.  It's no workouts.  Absolute rest (although I'm not sleeping) days.  I've got a killer sinus infection, bronchitis and pharyngitis (which is - I had to look it up - a fancy name for a bad sore throat).  I do not feel good.  My head is pounding and I have frequent coughing fits.  For a couple of days my throat and ear felt like they were on fire.  That seems to be better at least.  As for the other symptoms,  I hope everyday that the next will be The Day I Feel Better.  I keep hoping. 

Both Hubby and Wonder Woman have told me to rest.  They know me too well.  I've been told NOT TO WORK OUT AND GET SOME REST.  Just like that. 

I've got a 5K on Saturday.  I've yet to sign up for a race that I don't actually do.  Of course, I've only really been a running addict since last September, so I'm sure it's just a matter of time and circumstance.  In the meantime, I've been reasoning with myself that I can, at the very least, walk the 5K if I'm sidelined for much longer.

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